Tuesday, April 8, 2014

In Which We Were All Wrong

We had bets.

We thought Dulci would give us 2.

We thought Dulci would give us 3.

At one point, she was SO gigantic, my son suggested she had 4 in there.

It was a fair guess.
She started labor yesterday in the morning, shown only by the fact that I got my face washed half a hundred times, and she kept yawning.  Otherwise, nothing was really different.  She got serious at about 7 o'clock last night, and the game was on.  Poor thing.

At 8:45ish, she produced a bubble, which popped, and then she stopped pushing altogether.

Nope, that's not good.  Turned out that the little one was in there, all sideways, with his head kinda back, and one arm forward, and one slightly behind.

Kinda like he was doing the sidestroke, instead of the dive.  And there was no way he was going to fit out that little hole.

It took some doing--I had to intercede way too much (in my opinion).  I thought I was going to kill them both.  Best case scenario, I thought the baby would be dead--the bubble had popped, and the baby was stuck for such a long time.  She was making no progress--she pushed very rarely.  I pulled, I rearranged, I tugged, I panicked when none of it seemed to work.  But 45 minutes later, there was a baby.  And Dulci (and the little one) beat all the odds.  Out he finally came, took his first breath, and yelled.
That, my friends, was scary as hell.  Thank goodness they are fighters.  This could have ended VERY, very differently.

But here he is!  Please welcome "Little Stinker", so named because he gave his mama SUCH a hard time and is so big (for her; she's so little).  Yes, he is alive and well, and they both seem to be doing fine today.  I bounced mama last night as soon as I could get her to stand up, and I didn't feel anything, but I stayed with her until I was just exhausted and had to go to bed.  She had still not passed the placenta at that time, nor anything else.  However, when I checked on her this morning at 4:30, she had finally passed the placenta, and she and the baby were sleeping peacefully.  I am happy to say that she has eaten breakfast with an appetite, and he is nursing fine.

And he looks like Stewart, what a shock.  :)

Except he has Orc ears.

Dulci is on a round of antibiotics because of all the finagling I did, and she's so swollen, I just want to cry when I look at her rear end.  But she is alive.  And so is he.  So it's a good end to the story, no?
Welcome, Little Stinker.  Welcome to the big, wide world.

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  1. Congrats on "lil Stinker" Good job seeing her safely through it all.

  2. Jocelyn, he is a beautiful baby, what a lovely color! I am so glad you were able to save them!

  3. You are so brave!! I would have panicked and called the vet and then regretted it because they aren't any better at it than me. Welcome to a wonderful home Little Stinker!

  4. Oh my!
    I surely would have panicked. Although I did stop on the side of a Country Road one day years ago and helped this old woman and her cow deliver a calf! And it scared me to bits!
    Crazy animal kingdom!
    Welcome Lil' Stinker!


  5. What a story, Yes, these kinds of things are scary but all we can do is the best we can to help! What a relief this turned out so well. It's heartbreaking when it doesn't ahve I've had both endings happen. Dulci will recover and so will you! In fact, aren't we about due for an update? ;)


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