
Thursday, July 19, 2012


Harbinger (n): 
anything that foreshadows a future event; omen; sign: Frost is a harbinger of winter.
This little tomato, which I hold in my somewhat beat up palm, is the first of what I hope is a few hundred pounds of tomatoes, growing out there in the garden.
The first.
Woo hoo!!
The zucchini started a week and a half ago, along with the cucumbers.  This week the beans began.  Now I find a tomato.  Can lots of food be far behind?
I guess we'll see!
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  1. Exciting!! We lock all the doors and keep the windows up when zucchini comes around!! hahaha, no really!
    Hope to see more food from your garden! Looks good!!

  2. Hello kindred spirit : ) I had to laugh to myself today when I shoved three cherry tomatoes fresh off the vine and rinsed with the garden hose into my mouth at once - and then I did it again. None of these babies have made it to the house yet. Ahhhhh summertime...

  3. Congratulations, you beat me. I have cukes, zucchini and beans too but no tomatoes (of any size) yet.

  4. Oh, I'm so happy someone is having a successful garden this year. I've had blooms but that's it...I give up.

  5. WOO HOO! Our garden is mostly done and when I find a tomato I pop in straight in my mouth (without the benefit of washing with the garden hose).

  6. Oh yes...that first tomato is always so incredibly exciting! Congratulations!!!


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